Weekly Links 10

Ahh, Fridays. The day of the week where bacon is involved… and of course, the round up of front end links that I’ve collated this past week!


Mark Your Calendars – the picture element is reported to be in Chrome 37 unflagged and on by default in Chrome 38 due in September. Firefox isn’t far behind either. Time to brush up on Practical Responsive Images

CSS / Sass

An oldie but a goodie, Vertically align anything with just 3 lines of css

CSS Dude @guyroutledge adds to his AtoZ of CSS with the E, the :enabled pseudo class

… Guy also wrote a post Simplifying Font Sizes with REMs and asks, do we need ems anymore?

That talented Paul Adam Davis wrote a post this week on DRY Colour Classes in Sass

Using the :target Pseudo Class for Alternative Layouts – Looks interesting and could be quite fun too!

mmmm, CSS Blend Modes – a great guide on dev.opera about the forthcoming CSS blend modes. I really can’t wait to play around with this.

Don’t forget, if you love your Sass, sign up to the SassNews twitter feed and mailing list


First up in the JS section is a great post from Dave Bushell where he walks us through constructing a JS Bookmarklet for fun. I’ve done this in the past but it was more a stabbing around on StackOverflow until it worked kinda thing.

Make your credit card form better with One Line of Code – A swish little addition to improve UX in my eyes.


Not really a front end thing but Apple announced Swift at the WWDC last week, a new language with which to write iOS & OS X apps with. It’s not Front End but I’m interested in it and it’s my blog so it’s OK! ok.

Apple have released an ebook called The Swift Programming Language – it’s 500 pages of learning.

And here’s some more stuff from Apple on the Swift programming language.

There’s already a Swift Cheat Sheet – thanks Grant!

Treehouse asks Should I Learn Swift?

Ahem. CNET has a post entitled Apples Swift Explained. What It Is and What It Means

iOS8 is coming, and there’s plenty of changes coming too. Here’s a post from Scott Hurff about the upcoming changes to iMessage and What We Can Learn from Apples iMessage Changes


The Work / Life balance is a wild beast to tame. I’ve yet to find someone who has the optimum balance. I know I’m wildly out on it. Top bloke Dan Davies has put together an I Ask, You Answer page asking some talented folk Is a Happy Work Life Balance Achievable?

… and as an aside, remember my buddies post from two weeks ago about Burnout? There Is No Such Thing As A Work Life Balance

Awesome bearded super-dude Tyler Gaw shares his Sketch Icon StamperIcon Stamper takes full sized art for an icon and creates multiple sizes of it so you don’t have to… sweet!

Self doubt is shit. Merlin Mann joins Ross Floate and Josh Kinal on the Nudge podcast Talking About Self Doubt – You should have a listen. On a side-note, I have a blog post brewing about this.

Built With is a neat tool which tells you what technology powers your favourite websites.

Super talented Jessica Hische ask How Much Should You Charge for Design Work: A Guide on FastCompany


And there we have it. The weekly round up. All the usual stuff here applies. A generous tweet would be awfully nice, it’d be great to grow the readership of this round up on a weekly basis, so please do share it!.

If you’ve written something nice, drop me a tweet @mrqwest and let me know!

See you next week!